Writing a 5 Paragraph Essay Naturally

The Easy Way to Write From Topic Idea to Edited Final Essay

Overwhelmed and stressed about teaching your child how to write an essay?

Let an experienced teacher and homeschool mom coach your child from topic idea to a final edited essay.

Here are all the bonuses you receive with this course!

  1. Customized and personal feedback on one child's essay following the completion of the course. (Instructions for this are provided in the course.)

  2. Unlimited use of the course for immediate siblings in the household. (Additional cost for a custom personalized essay analysis.)

  3. Monitored community comment sections at the bottom of each lesson to ask questions where I will answer to help you along in the course.

  4. Access to personalized answers to questions when you email me as you work through the course.

  5. Private, monitored Facebook group only for those taking the course to ask questions and receive answers. (Only those who purchase the course gain access to this group.)

  6. Handouts to print and keep and use over and over for new essays. This includes an Additional Essay Topic Ideas handout to use for additional essay practice.

Get started now!

Is this You?

You want your child to know how to write an essay from start to finish, but it just isn't happening.

Does this sound familiar?

"I don't know where to begin."
You don't know how to teach you child to put their ideas on
paper to form a proper essay.

"I don't have the time!"
You have so many things to do or other children to teach or attend
to as well.

"These writing programs take too much of my time and are so

You see so many different writing programs that either incomplete
or that require you to complete a training program in order to teach
your child.

"I don't have tons of money to spend on one writing curriculum."
Homeschooling is expensive. Why purchase more than you will need or use? Most of these courses cost $100-$300, with just a workbook for $25-$50 and more with instructions for you to do the teaching.

"I don't have the knowledge to teach writing! We always end up miserable!"
Even though you may know how to write, it can be difficult to teach your child to write an essay on their own and to see them feel so frustrated and defeated.

"I'm afraid my child won't learn how to write well to prepare him for after homeschooling."
You don't want your child to graduate and face college or a job unprepared.

I've Been There!

As a classroom teacher and homeschool mom I faced all these fears and frustrations too!

After graduating with an English/Secondary Education degree and no real course work in step by step processes in teaching writing, I had thirty pairs of eyes looking at me with concern as I asked them to write something on paper for the first time.

The school had no specific writing curriculum and my classroom had a wide varieties of abilities and learning styles. I had a limited time to cover everything I was supposed to complete.

When I started homeschooling and teaching coop classes, I faced the same issues.

That's why after taking note of what worked effectively with all of these students, I put together a step-by-step process in writing a 5 paragraph essay from start to finish.

Using these methods gave my students confidence, saved them time and effort, and gave them a clear process to follow while still allowing them to communicate in their natural voices.

Children communicate their thoughts naturally from a young age and relate stories and information that is important to them as soon as they begin talking. It's when we expect them to put these thoughts down on paper, it becomes intimidating and a self- critic stops them from even attempting to write the first sentence down on paper. It's too overwhelming.

My process breaks the idea of writing a whole essay down into manageable steps without a list of rules, outlining another writer's essay, and notebooks of exercises to get the job done.

I've bought and used tons of different programs with my students and my own children and finally developed an effective system that suited all the students I have taught in my home, classrooms, and tutoring - so you don't have to go through the same process and spend the money I did to find something that works.

This online self-paced course -

  • takes away the overwhelm of a large curriculum and all of its components or the disappointment of finding out you have to teach the course or, the frustration that it doesn't have enough to do the complete job.
  • gives you the time and energy to make you available to attend to other children or tasks.
  • saves you time and money looking through tons of writing curriculum that doesn't meet your needs.
  • provides the feelings of success and confidence by focusing on a step-by-step process to encourage your child to move through the writing process.
  • from the first guided steps, has your child brainstorming ideas and details for the essay and gets your child writing right away.
  • assists your child in organizing their thoughts in an easy manner.
  • demonstrates how to bring your child's writing to a higher level in a fun way.
  • gives your child a process to follow to write about original topics on their own after this course.
  • provides the foundation for your child to practice and then move on to writing more advanced essay formats.

Other parents have loved our writing instruction methods -

“ I can easily give my highest recommendation to working with Katie Glennon. My son who is now a senior in high school has been working with her throughout high school. This has been one of his favorite subjects in school. He was a hesitant writer and worried about research papers etc. Katie has approached thoroughly the process of writing many kinds of papers with him along with knowledge of how to do citations and bibliographies. She is so prepared and has a wealth of knowledge about writing. She has helped him to develop confidence in his own skills. She has done classes with him using Skype and always encourages him to email her in between lessons if he has questions. He now does not dread writing assignments and feels like he has the tools to do them. I really feel anyone, child or adult, could benefit from her help.”

– Nancy-Ann

“My son received an 11 out of 12 for his score on the ACT essay after working with you! Thank you!”

- April

Get started now!



Writing a 5 Paragraph Essay Naturally

The Easy Way to Write From Topic Idea to Edited Final Essay

Success starts here!

When your child completes this course, they'll have the knowledge, skills, and support to -

  • brainstorm ideas for an informative essay.
    Your child will be able to write down ideas for a topic with details and lose that blank stare at a piece of paper.

  • organize thoughts on a topic with subtopics, details and examples.
    Using these methods will become a habit.

  • write five complete paragraphs.
    Your child will know and be able to write the different kinds of paragraphs, their proper contents, and the correct order.

  • build transition, flow, and clarity between paragraphs.
    Your child will be able to use the tools in this to write a cohesive essay.

  • use varied sentence structures.
    Your child's essays will reflect techniques used in this course to add variety and maturity to their sentences to bring their writing to the next level.

  • edit a rough draft and have a polished final essay.
    Written work will have fewer mistakes and be something to show off following my Editing Checklist steps.

Here's what some students have had to say -

“Mrs. Katie, Thank you so much for always being such an amazing teacher! I have enjoyed my years in your classes so much!”

– Cindy

“Ms. Katie, I am so glad I had you as a teacher before entering community college. I was prepared for the essays and research papers I had to do for these classes. Thank you!”


Course Curriculum

  It's Editing Time!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Thank You! And It's Been My Privilege to Teach You!
Available in days
days after you enroll

Here are all the bonuses you receive with this course!

  1. Customized and personal feedback on one child's essay following the completion of the course. (Instructions for this are provided in the course.)

  2. Unlimited use of the course for immediate siblings in the household. (Additional cost for a custom personalized essay analysis.)

  3. Monitored community comment sections at the bottom of each lesson to ask questions where I will answer to help you along in the course.

  4. Access to personalized answers to questions when you email me as you work through the course.

  5. Private, monitored Facebook group only for those taking the course to ask questions and receive answers. (Only those who purchase the course gain access to this group.)

  6. Handouts to print and keep and use over and over for new essays. This includes an Additional Essay Topic Ideas handout to use for additional essay practice.

Get started now!

And another parent's thoughts -

“Hi, Katie, I appreciate you teaching my daughter and I have enjoyed watching her writing skills improve so much. She has learned so much from you teaching her and seems to enjoy writing much more than before too. She often told me what she learned and was proud of herself for learning what she had learned. Lauren really enjoyed her classes with you and often told me how much she has learned from you and how much she enjoyed talking to you each week. I will recommend you to any person needing a tutor.”

– Stephanie

This course is for you and your child if -

  • you want your child to be able to write a 5 paragraph essay on his own.
  • you want your child to work mostly on his own through the course, freeing you to attend other things.
  • you want your child to be ready to learn how to write more advanced forms of essays.
  • you want an independent course that fits your schedule.
  • you're on a budget, but want a quality independent writing program with personalized feedback of your child's writing.
  • your child is willing to sit and follow along with the steps to write the essay with the videos.
  • your child is a middle schooler who can write a very short paragraph or a high schooler.
  • your child does not have a learning challenge that prevents them from listening to or reading and following directions on their own, or a language skills challenge that requires one on one in person instruction.

Your Instructor

Katie Glennon
Katie Glennon

Hi, I'm Katie Glennon, the creator and instructor for Katie's Homeschool Cottage Academy.

I'm so glad you found me! I am a former homeschool mom of two boys and a former teacher/trainer/tutor in all kind of schools and coops and live online classrooms.

My love for learning and students pushes me to create fun and engaging classes to help students in their learning, especially in Languag Arts with their writing and literary studies.

And because I've been there as a homeschool mom juggling all the subjects at different grade levels I want to help others by sharing effective teaching and learning techniques I've learned along the way and help lighten the load of other parents.

I hope you will try out one of the free lessons available here to see if these classes are right for you and your children.

I also have other curriculum and free materials to assist you in your homeschool journey at my website Katie's Homeschool Cottage. You'll want to visit my shop and my blog for helpful tips and resources to help you during your busy days!

If you have any questions or comments, please reach out. I'd love to hear from you!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as Katie's Homeschool Cottage Academy is up and running. And all members of your immediate household has access to your purchased course. Included feedback opportunity is for one student only. You may purchase feedback for additional students separately for a small fee.
What if this course is not for my child?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 14 days and we will give you a full refund.
How many in my family can use this course?
Your purchased course can be used by all members of your individual family. However, tracking of lessons completed, answers to quizzes and surveys, and the included feedback for one essay is only available for one student in the family. Feedback for additional essays is available for other children for a small fee.
What age/grade is this course geared toward?
This course is geared toward middle school students who know how to write fulll sentences up to the length of one paragraph. It is also appropriate for high school students who do not know how to write a proper 5 paragraph informative essay that includes a hook, topic sentence and introductory paragraph, 3 body paragraphs with 3 related subtopics, and a concluding paragraph with a clincher.
Do you grade the final essay at the end of the course?
I want to make it a positive learning experience for your child, rather than a letter grade that does not offer much information for their efforts. When you send your child's final copy of their essay from this course or another essay they write using the steps in this course, I will send (not a grade) but feedback with notes, praise, and constructive suggestions on what they've completed. I don't know your child well enough through this course to give them a letter grade (which depends on their grade level, abilities, or challenges they may have in writing).

Get started now!